18 April 2007

Awww- it's a baby! Knitter I mean-

One Friday I got the awesome experience of having my first knitting student. This is Melissa-She is my friend and I fondly think of her as my daughter in love. I have been sharing with her some of my knitting and talking to her about knitting ever since I started a few months ago. Little by little I could see her getting more interested until the one day she really sat down with me and started looking through some of the knitting books that I have checked out from the library. She saw some things that interested her and I told her to let me know when she was ready to learn- well she got ready quickly and got some supplies and is happily joining the knitting world.She is very enthusiastic and will no doubt do many great things once she masters the techniques.It's a little difficult to watch her struggle through her first dropped stitches, adding stitches unknowingly and trying to figure out where this strange stitch came from but it is something we all have to go through at first to get to the good stuff. I being fairly new to knitting myself know all too well the pitfalls you have at first and the heart wrenching agony of having to rip out stitches that you for hours put on those needles. The patience pays off though and I am beginning to realize that for myself. The thrill she got from her first swatch all lopsided with uneven stitches and all brought me back to my first endeavor- what a mess it was but I will cherish it always - it was my knitting first baby step and it tells me where I have been and how far I have come. I made sure to tell Melissa to save hers so she can look back someday and smile thinking about her beginning of her beautiful journey she is undertaking in knitting. Good Luck Mels - Love ya and keep on knitting! C'ya - Jules


NH Knitting Mama said...

That is so nice that you are teaching her to knit. You're giving her quite a wonderful gift... I don't know where I'd be without knitting in my life. It has brought many lovely people into my life (hint).

Melissa Wise said...


I know I'll always cherish the gift of knowledge you're giving me.

And it so much FUN!

Love ya!