27 February 2007

Happy Tuesday

I am working feverishly to get the scarf done that matches my Calorimetry because I got a whole new bunch of yarn to start a new project!

I bought it all on ebay and I was really apprehensive to do that but thought I would give it a try. The seller has excellent feedback. I am happy with it except that none of it indicates exactly what the fiber content is. It was listed as combo's of mohair, silk , alpaca , wool, cotton. Each hank is guaranteed to contain at least 120 yards. I don't have a clue what i'll do with the single hanks although they are very nice.

I want to start knitting socks but am at a loss as to what a good starting pattern would be. I have looked on the internet and found some sock patterns but nothing has jumped out at me.

I have some knitting books on order at the library so I am hoping that gives me some ideas. I like to get books at the library and look them over to see if they need to live with me. If I like them then I will buy a copy .

I have so many things to do today so no knitting will be done until this evening. I will be able to finish that scarf tonight so I will post back and give an update on what's to come.

21 February 2007

Knitting Questionnaire- Courtesy of Jamaica

1) What type of yarn do you knit with most often?
My knitting experiences have been limited to merino wool, cotton and alpaca- I gotta say the merino wool has been my favorite due to the fact that the ones I have used are soft and nubby, which makes for a nice textured piece

2) Is there any type of yarn that you would love to try but haven't yet, such as bamboo, banana fiber?
Hemp and mohair are the two that I am dying to try

3) In your opinion what is a luxury yarn?
Any yarn that I would sacrifice buying something else for

4) Is there any type of yarn or fiber content you dislike or would prefer not to receive?
I am repelled by anything the least bit itchy or scratchy- I am very sensitive to things rubbing on my skin.

5) What type of garments do you most often knit?
Since I am a beginner I have to say the only garments I have knit are scarves but I am getting my brave on to start a sweater

6) What types of knitting books do you enjoy?
I love knitting books that don't take knitting soooo seriously- and have very explicit instructions. Since I am a beginning knitter I need things spelled out for me clearly and concise. My knitting bible is StitchN'Bitch By Debbie Stoller (thank you Rachael and Jamaica for the turn on). And recently The Mason- Dixon Knitting Book has entertained me.

7) What is a color you like but rarely or never buy yourself?
Fuschia- I love it but look terrible wearing it-it does something horrible to my skin tone.

8) If you were pregnant and had to name your baby a fiber, what would her/his name be?
Julia "Cashmere" Jacobs - Novak

9) Do you spin?
Not yet, I will be by the end of the year i've vowed

10) What is one fiber you've never spun? N/A

11) If someone in your family or a best friend had to describe you in one word, what would it be?

12) Please tell us one odd thing about you.
I don't think it is odd but other's have told me it is- I love to clean. Sweep , mop , dust , housework sort of things.

13) What was your favorite cartoon when you were little.
Yogi Bear- I wanted to go on a picnic with him- he has style

14) Do you have animals?
3 cats- Melissa , Kenyon and Rocky. 10 fish - No names

15) And last but not least, if you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I have lived so many places I prefer to stay put in Indiana. But , if they kicked me outta here I would want to live in Italy.

Baby Blankie

In an effort to document all of my work I want to feature today a baby blanket I recently made. It is from Debbie Stoller's "Stitch N' Bitch" book and is called "big bad baby blanket" the designer is Lisa Shobhana Mason. I made it in JoJoLand Bloom. It is a gorgeous textured yarn made of 59% wool and 41% cotton. It it really soft and cozy. I love the detail on the blanket. The pic to the left is the center of the blanket. There you can see where stockinette stitches intersect. It was made with 2 yarns held together for a nice plush feel. The edges are in seed stitch which is a nice contrast to the stockinette.

It was my first venture into knitting beyond a scarf which was a little intimidating but I found it to be a quick and easy knit. I was sad for it to end because it was so much fun.

I have to admit I did alot of back tracking with this one. I wanted it to be absolutely perfect as it will belong to my new grand child that is due in July07. The kids gotta get busy making more babies so I will have more blankie's to knit -

20 February 2007

This and That

The scarf to match my Calorimetry is coming along. I ran out of the Rosewood yarn and will have to find something to satisfy my lust for knitting until I can get out to get some more. I am doing a simple 2x2 rib which I find to be really warm for a nice scarf in Paton's Classic Wool. I will be felting it once it is finished.
I didn't realize what a nice pattern it was forming until I took the picture of it. I love it!

In the meantime , I decided I would make a cozy for my first MP3 player-ever. I haven't gotten it yet but got the specs for it online from the store I ordered it from. I began knitting and decided I would do a simple garter stitch since I would felt it anyway the pattern wouldn't matter much. I used a size 8 needle and Paton's Classic Wool in Harvest. Long story short it was much too small after the felting process- cute nonetheless- so I decided to just use it for my teeny tiny knitting tools such as the point protectors, row counter and stitch markers. Perfect! Now about that MP3 player cozy. I made another one twice as large as the first one and again- too small. I will make yet another one and update later.


18 February 2007

New Project-Originally posted on 15Feb07

I started a new project last night. A scarf to match the Calorimetry head scarf from Knitty.com that I made last weekend. The Calorimetry was a quick knit and alot of fun to see come together.

I did it in Paton's Classic Wool Merino - the colors are gorgeous in a varieagated called Rosewood. I was so excited to see it come together I couldn't stop knitting. It didn't truly appear until I bound it off and then you could see the shape form almost like magic.I had done 2X2 rib before in scarves but had never worked short rows and didn't know if I was doing it quite right but it turned out great and was soooo easy. This was my first felted project and I was a bit skeptical if I would like it after felting but it is wonderful.As you can see I didn't let the felting go all the way as I wanted some of the stitch lines to still be visible so I cheated and took it out before the process was complete. I really like the way it came out and decided I should make a matching scarf using the 2X2 ribbing.

Pictures of the scarf in progress in the days to come.

Snow Days- Originally posted on 14Feb07

Snow days are fun! Major downpours of snow and ice make for a nice time to snuggle in and do some serious knitting. That is exactly what I did without a single shred of guilt yesterday. We sat and watched the snow/ice fall and watched movies, ate, slept and of course I knit to my hearts content.
I did my workout early (about 7:00 a.m.) as soon as I knew everyone would be staying home.
I read Mason*Dixon Knitting by Kay Gardiner and Ann Shayne and it has kept me in "stitches"- pardon the pun . I have been wanting to try one of the Ballband Dishcloth's so I tackled it and found it to be one of the easiest things I have done to date.

I am using the Peaches and Creme 100% cotton yarn (in white and potpourri) , as suggested in the pattern and it is turning out quite well. I am working feverishly to finish it so I can start another one. They are truly addicting. Good thing I stocked up on some Peaches and Creme yarn since a trip to the store would be a major problem.Yarn stash=FUN. I am working continuously on the stash!

My first blog post- ever

04 Feb 07 Sunday
After several failed attempts at knitting I have finally conquered the what to be thought impossible. I am well on my way to becoming an experienced knitter. I am really jazzed about it too. I find myself thinking about knitting quite alot these days. Much of my mind control , wake up in the middle of the night thoughts revolve around it now. Which is a really good thing. I used to wake up and worry about my kids, are they ok or will I wake up in the morning to find them dead in their beds? What about my husband? Does he really love me or is it a just a facade so he won't feel like a loser if he leaves me? What can I do better to make him crazy in love with me? Or the dreaded bills fear- what if we can't pay the mortgage next month? I just know we will end up on the street holding those signs begging for spare change from strangers and the kids will go hungry and get some terrible disease and I will find them dead in their cardboard box wrapped up in dirty old carpet behind a trash can while trying to stay warm. I don't know why the dreaded thoughts come in the peaceful quiet of the night but I sure am glad that knitting now occupies that space . I think about stitches I want to try and how did I do that again? I work stitches in my sleepy brain and hope they will still be there in the morning so I can remember and execute them into something real I can hold in my hand and admire. I count stitches instead of sheep to fall asleep. I Love knitting!

13 February 2007

100 Things

100. I love to knit
99. I look forward to every day
98. I don’t go to church
97. My favorite color is pink
96. I drive a yellow VW bug named Lola
95. My Daddy’s name is Joseph and I love my Daddy so…
94.I named my first born son Joseph
93. My favorite place to eat is at home
92. I love to watch The Soprano’s
91. I like to bowl once in awhile
90. I sing very loud when I am alone
89. I start my Christmas shopping in January
88. I make lists for everything
87. I am a loner
86. I love to sell on Ebay
85. My favorite candy is Heath Candy Bar
86. I love to cook
85. When I was a little girl I had a dog named Ordy
84. My favorite song is “Babe” By Styx
83. My Grandma taught me how to crochet when I was 7
82. I am neurotic – most of the time
81. I love to dance
80. My favorite store is Trader Joe’s
79. Patchouli is my favorite scent
78. I have 3 cats and 10 fish
77. I love being in a swimming pool
76. I have lived in Indiana, Colorado, Germany, Kentucky, North Carolina , Maryland and Hawaii
75. I passed the state board for Cosmetology and got my license but never worked as a Cosmetologist
74. I graduated from Hair Design School when I was 21
73. I get winter depression every year
72. I am married to the man of my dreams
71. I like to eat potato chips in bed sometimes while watching tv
70. I like to snuggle with my kitty Rocky
69. I am very organized
68. I keep my car immaculate
67. I have an adorable grandaughter due 07/21/07
66. I would rather be home than anywhere else in the world
65. I watch Rachael Ray’s 30 minute meals almost everyday
64 I love to bake
63. I like beer
62. I use coupons all the time- for almost everything
61. I worked full time in a dental office for 6 years
60. I hated that job
59. Christmas is my favorite holiday
58. I am the 6 th child born to my parents
57. I will learn to spin before the end of this year
56. I have never gotten a traffic ticket
55. I love ice cream- any flavor
54. I have an adorable Grandson named Riley Joseph
53. I choose Coke over Pepsi
52. I hate to dress up
51. I love summer over all other seasons
50. I play one game of Free Cell almost everyday
49. I am not competitive
48. I like to get up early in the morning while it is still dark
47. Driving is one of my least favorite things to do
46. I don’t like to go to amusement parks
45. I have 3 kids- Joseph 29, Jamaica 24 and Justin 18
44. I love mobster movies- Godfather, Good Fellas etc…
43. I like snow for about 1 day and then it can go away , far far away
42. Don’t call me – I hate to talk on the phone
41. I like doing laundry and hanging it on the clothesline outside
40. I live in a white house but not THE white house
39. I love rainy days
38. My son Justin is the most artistic person I know and my favorite
37. I appreciate everything and everyone I have in my life
36. Small, furry rodent things give me the heebie jeebies
35. I take a shower everyday but don’t always brush my hair (I have really long hair)
34. I am superstitious
33 I love surprising others but don’t like to be surprised
32. I love being naked
31. I don’t like soap operas or game shows
30. My all time favorite snack is popcorn
29. I have a tattoo on my hiney- heart with “Dan”
28. I love to get a full body massage
27. I frequently cuss
26. I hate wearing shoes
25. I don’t understand daredevils
24. I am really bad at Math
23. I love being in love
22. I used to like camping but not so much anymore
21. I have 4 sister’s and 1 brother all older than me
20. I love a long , hot bubbly bath
19. I have a strange sense of humor
18. Procrastinator’s annoy me
17. I love the smell of puppy breath
16. I love to eat a vine ripe tomato and let it drip down my chin
15.My Grandson Riley is the cutest person I know- My great nephew Mikey is a close 2nd
14. My daughter is my inspiration for many things- I hope to be a lot like her when I grow up. Did I mention she is my favorite?
13.This is more difficult than I thought it would be
12 I sometimes think I have psychic powers- then I get over it
11 .I am the luckiest person I know
10. I have never been on jury duty
9. I love pedicures
8 Sunken ships creep me out
7. I went to Intercourse, Pennsylvania once for an anniversary trip with my hubby. Seriously, it really exists.
6. I plan to go back to Hawaii for my 25th wedding anniversary- since that is where me and my adorable hubby were married
5. I can’t remember jokes
4. I saw John Denver in concert once ( not proud of that)
3. My Parents were married for over 50 years
2. I think my son Joey is the best Dad and writer that ever lived- AND he’s my favorite
1. I hate to exercise – but do it anyway